Children and Family Relationships Bill

Children and Family Relationships Bill

There is something now in the Bill for non-cohabiting fathers! Amendments made to the Children and Family Relationships Bill will mean that a Birth Registrar will be empowered to witness a statutory declaration for joint guardianship, signed by the mother and father, appointing the father as a guardian. This can be done when the birth of the child … Read more

General Scheme of a Children and Family Relationships Bill

See Treoir’s Submission on the General Scheme of a Children and Family Relationships Bill 2014 to the Oireachtas Committee on Justice Defence and Equality.  Read Submission. Read Treoir’s articles about the proposed changes in family law in the upcoming Child & Family Bill: *  The Journal: ‘Radical change on the way for (some) unmarried fathers’ … Read more

Budget 2015: Widening the Gap Between Rich and Poor

Treoir, The National Information Service for Unmarried Parents, believes not enough has been done in Budget 2015 to ensure that lone parents who are being activated when their youngest child reaches 7 are supported to gain appropriate training to enable them to become job ready.   Also the decision to cut earnings disregard for lone parents … Read more

Changes to After school childcare

Changes have been made to the After–school Child Care (ASCC) programme in the Department of Social Protection (DSP). Parents will now pay €3 per day, maximum €15 per week, towards the cost of child care and there will be a free after-school pick-up service available. The ASCC has been expanded to include those on a … Read more

Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance

Some One Parent Family recipients will automatically be paid the BTSCFA.  If you are one of those who got a letter telling you when and how your allowance is paid then you do not have to do anything.  If you are not one of those who got a letter already then you need to apply for … Read more

The School and the Family Today ‘Good Practice Guidelines’

The purpose of this new publication is to provide Home School Liaison Teachers & Schools with a best practice approach on policies regarding children living with parents married and unmarried, children of separated parents, same-sex parents, non-biological parents and children in care. Home School Community Liaison Teacher Ann-Maire Waddock, produced this publication with support form … Read more

Children First Bill 2014

Treoir welcomes the publication of the Children First Bill 2014.  There has been a lack of clarity about obligations to report cases of consensual sexual activity between young people under the age of consent. We welcome the fact that this Bill clarifies the position as follows: A mandated person shall not be required to make … Read more

Mother and Baby Homes

The treatment of unmarried mothers and their children in Mother and Baby homes, while hugely disturbing, cannot be blamed solely on those running the homes. Institutions provided refuge, albeit in a harsh environment, while families, politicians, the church and society as a whole failed these mothers and their children. In l976 when Treoir, formerly the Federation of … Read more