Launch of See How They Grow “Solo and unmarried-cohabitant parenthood and crisis pregnancy in Ireland”

Launch of See How They Grow “Solo and unmarried-cohabitant parenthood and crisis pregnancy in Ireland”

This study, commissioned by Treoir and funded by the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme, used the data collected by the Growing Up in Ireland study of 11,134 children, then aged nine months. The study reveals that married parents and their children have the best outcomes on almost all indicators, followed by unmarried-cohabitants with solo parents seriously … Read more

CSO 2011: Living Arrangements in Ireland Facts & Figures

The CSO has released more information from Census 2011 showing some interesting statistics in its report. Some facts and figures about unmarried families: 35%   The increase in the number of cohabiting couples all of whose children are under the age of 15 years between 2006 (36.611) and 2011 (49.905).   1.74 The average number … Read more

Yes for Children

Treoir called today for a yes vote in the forthcoming Children’s Referendum. Arc Adoption, Childminding Ireland, Inclusion Ireland and the Irish Youth Federation also supported the yes vote at the press conference hosted by Senator Jillian van Turnhout.

CSO Vital Statistics Fourth Quarter and Yearly Summary

According to the CSO Vital Statistics 2011 report of the 74,650 births in Ireland in 2011 25,190 were to unmarried parents,  34% of all births. Over half of the births to unmarried parents were to parents at the same address. Also it is worth noting that there is a significant drop in the number of … Read more

Unmarried Parents: Numbers on the Rise

Thirty-six percent of all births were outside marriage in the first quarter of 2012, according to the latest figures released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) today. This represents a significant increase in the number of births occurring outside marriage rising from 34% in 2011. In addition, the percentage of births to unmarried parents living … Read more

Treoir’s Annual General Meeting

Treoir was delighted with the turnout and the lively discussion from the audience following information presentations made by David Langwallner (Barrister and Dean of Law, Griffith College) and Margaret Martin (Director, Women’s Aid). The topics discussed were The Law Reform Commission’s proposals to provide for automatic joint parental responsibility (guardianship) of both the mother and … Read more

Treoir’s Submission on the Children First Bill

Treoir’s interest in the Children First Bill 2012 is specifically in relation to consensual, underage sexual activity between teenagers.  The difficulty with underage sexual activity between two consenting teenagers is that while it is a criminal offence under the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2006 “it might not be regarded as constituting ‘child sexual abuse’. … Read more

New Social Welfare Bill: Disaster for Lone Parent Families

She said if “a credible and bankable commitment from the Government on the delivery of such a system of childcare by the time of this year’s budget is not forthcoming the measure will not proceed”. However, Treoir believes a “commitment” to introduce is not sufficient. We will need evidence that the good, affordable childcare is … Read more

Why TDs Should Oppose This Section of the Bill:

In the absence of vital support services such as childcare, training, flexible working hours being in place, this legislation will have a disastrous effect on many OFP families.  It just won’t work.  The supports must be in place before the age limit is reduced to 7. The JSA disregard is based on days worked/not worked. … Read more