Budget 2023 Must Emphasise Housing, Food & Energy Security for Lone Parents

Budget 2023 Must Emphasise Housing, Food & Energy Security for Lone Parents

Budget 2023 Must Emphasise Housing, Food & Energy Security for Lone Parents FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Monday 19th of September 2022 “The government risks dramatically increasing child poverty if they do not prioritise the housing and cost of living crises in Budget 2023,” Damien Peelo, CEO of Treoir has stated.   Even before the pandemic and Ukrainian … Read more

We’re Hiring! Information and Policy Officer Role!

  The Information and Policy Officer is a key front-line position for Treoir. The officer works to deliver high-quality, specialist, relevant and tailored information for unmarried parents. This involves daily interaction with unmarried parents through Treoir’s telephone service, social media, and drop-in services. The Information and Policy Officer researches, develop,s and contributes to core policies … Read more

Female Same-Sex Couples and Donor Assisted Human Reproduction – New Leaflet!

In August 2022, Treoir, in collaboration with LGBT Ireland and supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, launched our leaflet for Female Same-Sex Couples and Donor Assisted Human Reproduction! This booklet explains changes to the law in relation to female same-sex couples and children born through donor-assisted human reproduction. Parts 2 … Read more

Discrimination Based on Marital Status Disadvantages Children

Discrimination Based on Marital Status Disadvantages Children FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  4th July 2022 Treoir, the National Information Service for Unmarried Parents, welcomes Johnny O’Meara’s case in the High Court on July 5th and 6th. Johnny O’Meara has taken the case after he was denied the Widower’s pension and Bereavement grant from the Department of Social Protection … Read more

Exclusive Protection of the Family Based on Marriage Must be Put to Referendum

IMMEDIATE RELEASE  31st May 2022  The exclusive protection of the family based on marriage must be removed through a constitutional referendum, Treoir’s AGM and launch of the annual report will hear today.   “This relegates families not based on marriage to a secondary status, deemed not deserving of Constitutional status nor the associated protections.” Professor Louise … Read more

Treoir Calls on Minister McEntee to Review Legal Aid system without delay

  Treoir Calls on Minister McEntee to Review Legal Aid system without delay 31 March 2022 IMMEDIATE RELEASE Treoir, a national organisation working with unmarried parents, is concerned about the announcement that the review of the legal aid system has been delayed. The review was initially scheduled for quarter 3 of 2021, but yesterday Minister for Justice … Read more

‘Let’s Work it Out’ Membership Forum

3rd March 2022, 10 am-11:15 am, over Zoom. Treoir will be kicking off its Membership Forums for 2022 with the first in the series, “An Introduction to the ‘Let’s Work it Out’ programme.  Treoir along with our partners Dublin Community Mediation has designed the Let’s Work it Out programme to give parents who are sharing parenting the skills to work … Read more

Treoir Welcomes Raheen Family Resource Centre as Newest Member!

Carmen Sanchez, Family Support Worker and Martin Neville, General Manager. Treoir is delighted to welcome Raheen Family Resource Centre as its newest member. Raheen FRC focuses on Family Support & Community Development and their catchment areas in Wexford include Raheen, Adamstown, Clonroche, Newbawn, Rathgarogue, Cushinstown. They offer a broad range of supports and services, such … Read more

Vacancies at Treoir

WE ARE HIRING: INFORMATION AND POLICY OFFICER Job Spec & Application Form: Treoir: Information and Policy Officer | activelink About Treoir Treoir, in partnership with its member agencies, promotes the rights and best interests of unmarried parents and their children through providing specialist information and advocating for their rights. Treoir’s vision is an Ireland where … Read more