Treoir calls for extension of guardianship rights for all fathers and resourced mediation services

Treoir calls for extension of guardianship rights for all fathers and resourced mediation services

5 March 2019 Treoir, the National Federation of Services for Unmarried Parents and their Children today called on the Minister for Justice and Equality to extend guardianship rights to all fathers and to ensure the National Mediation Service is properly resourced.  Speaking at a meeting of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality on … Read more

Treoir’s submission to Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality for Family Law Reform

Treoir, the National Federation of Services for Unmarried Parents and their Children welcomes the opportunity to address the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality on reform of the family law system.  Treoir unites its members to work together to improve the lives of unmarried parents and their children. We advocate for changes to the … Read more

CEO Damien Peelo on Shared Parenting

CEO Damien Peelo on Shared Parenting TREOIR CEO Damien Peelo talks to Ivan Yates’ ‘the Hard Shoulder’ on 7th December regarding maintenance payments, lone parent poverty, shared parenting and a child centred approach to solving issues in parenting and alleviating poverty. Listen here: Damien Peelo on Ivan Yates – the Hard Shoulder – Part 1

Launch of Shared Parenting Report

3rd December 2018 On Monday 3rd December the Treoir report “An Examination of the Barriers to Shared Parenting Experienced by Unmarried Fathers”. was launched by Deputy Anne Rabbitte. The event was attended by many community organisations, TUSLA, Barnardos, One Family, HSE Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme, and family centred organisation. Thanks to everyone who … Read more

A New Era for Adoption Law in Ireland

The Adoption (Amendment) Act 2017  came into effect on 19 October 2017. It changes various parts of the Adoption Act 2010, which governs how all adoptions in Ireland are carried out. This innovative piece of legislation intends to better reflect the complex realities of modern family life. Beatrice Cronin, Information and Policy Officer at Treoir … Read more

Commencement of the Adoption (Amendment) Act 2017

Treoir welcomes the many positive changes introduced by the Adoption Act 2017, in particular, the provision allowing step-parent adoption without the peculiar requirement for the biological parent to adopt his or her own child. Until  now the only way for a step-parent to adopt a child was to apply jointly with the child’s natural parent. … Read more

Budget 2018 at Glance

Social welfare payments and allowances Christmas bonus payment of 85% to be paid to all social welfare recipients in 2017. From last week of March, €5 per week increase in all weekly social welfare payments, including disability allowance, carer’s allowance, Jobseekers’ Allowance and State pension. €20 increase in the earnings disregard for the One Parent … Read more

Treoir welcomes Damien Peelo as our new CEO

The Council of Treoir is delighted to announce the appointment of Damien Peelo as the new Chief Executive of Treoir with effect from 1 July 2017. Dr Ruth Barrington, the Chairperson of Treoir, welcoming the appointment, said that “The Council is very pleased that a person with such commitment to social justice and experience of the voluntary … Read more

Treoir AGM 2017

The Constitutional Status of the Unmarried Family and its Constituent Members As part of  Treoir’s role to create awareness of the issues affecting unmarried families we were delighted to have Prof. Gerry Whtye from Trinity College give the keynote address at our 2017 AGM. Prof. Whyte spoke about the legal situation for unmarried families and how the … Read more