Christmas eBulletin 2020

Christmas eBulletin 2020

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year! We thank you for your support throughout 2020 and look forward to working and supporting you all in 2021, from all at TREOIR

Christmas Edition 2020
In this issue:

  • A message from our CEO
  • Christmas Opening Hours
  • TREOIR – National Information Service
  • Shared Parenting at Christmas
  • Treoir Outreach Services 2021
A message from our CEO


Dear Members and Friends,

While there have been many successes over the course of 2020 there have also been significant challenges, particularly with the Coivd -19 pandemic.

We successfully moved our operations to work remotely in line with Government guidelines and we increased the hours of operation of our National Information Service.  This was particularly necessary at the start of the lockdown back in March when there was an increased demand for information from parents on how to comply with court orders while also complying with the Government guidelines on travel restrictions and minimising contacts.  To meet the demand, Treoir’s information service opened on Saturdays and Bank Holidays as the number of calls increased.

A new Government was finally formed in June 2020, 128 days after the election.  Treoir got busy welcoming the new ministers to their posts and secured meetings with Minister Helen McEntee and Minister Roderic O’Gorman.  The meetings with ministers were very productive and will continue to work with their departments to advance the needs of parents who were never married.

The pandemic exposed many issues that were affecting parents, such as income insecurity, accommodation, parenting time, and access to legal services.  The closure of the courts increased pressure on many other services, like mediation and the alternative dispute resolution services and Treoir’s services.  Treoir worked with our members, through these difficult times to record issues and highlight the policy changes required to address issues.

We have been working on an exciting new project to support our shared parenting strategy that we will be piloting in the new year and look forward to bringing you information on that in early 2021.

Treoir is supporting Kinship Care Ireland and we successfully recruited for the new post of National Project Co-ordinator and really look forward to rolling out this work over the coming years.  We are very grateful to Tusla for their support of this project.

The Teen Parents Support Programme was able to continue to support projects during the pandemic and successfully supported a collective grant applications for the School Completion Programme funding which ensured all of the 11 projects were able to get some of this resource for the first time.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our funders for their ongoing commitments to the work of Treoir and to the Council of Treoir for their guidance and governance over the past year and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year when I hope we will be able to meet again face to face.

Nollaig shona daoibh go léir


Christmas Opening Hours

Our Information Service will be open during the Christmas period, except bank holidays

Opening Hours and Dates:

December 29th – 31st – 10 am – 4 pm

Service fully resumes January 4th

How to contact us:

Call 01 6700 120 – leave your message and an Information Officer will call you back

Alternatively, email us at

Log a ‘Callback Request’ HERE 

Wishing you and yours and very Merry and Enjoyable Christmas!

TREOIR – National Information Service

Treoir provides a free, confidential and up-to-date information and referral service for unmarried parents whether living together or not, and the agencies involved with them.

The information service has helped many unmarried parents as they navigate their new roles as either cohabiting couples, newly separated, or never togethers.

We are located here
Shared Parenting at Christmas
With Christmas fast approaching, for parents who are not living together, agreeing access arrangements over the holiday can be a source of conflict and tension.Treoir suggests parents consider how they plan to share parenting well in advance of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and to use opportunities over the school holidays to be with your child and make those days special.

Christmas is a very exciting time for children, and both parents may want to share in that excitement. Think about how you may arrange shared parenting over the Christmas holidays and how you can make your time with the children very special even if it is not on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  Planning ahead can help reduce some of the challenges involved in shared parenting, so if you haven’t discussed arrangements with the other parent, there is still time to do so.

If both parents are not with their children throughout Christmas Day, is it possible for both parents to be with them when they open their presents, even via video call? If this is not an option, then consider when and where the other parent will give the children their presents. These may be difficult issues to negotiate but ignoring them until the last-minute may cause problems.

It’s good to bear in mind that grandparents will want to see their grandchildren over the holidays, and using the full holiday period is a good way for children to see both parents and their extended family over the holidays.

If it is not possible for a parent to spend time with their child in person, they can send cards and presents in the post and/or talk to them on the phone, facetime, WhatsApp, or zoom.

Finally, while it is always reassuring for children to see their parents co-operate, this is especially true at Christmas. Children need time to be aware of where they will spend Christmas and with which parent. Children also need to be assured that they will see both parents over the holiday where possible. It has been a difficult year for everyone, and it is important for parents and children alike to have a bit of down-time and enjoy the holiday.

Treoir Outreach 2021

NOW Available via Zoom or other conference call technology!

Treoir has a long history of providing free workshops to

  • groups of unmarried parents/grandparents  and
  • groups of workers who provide services to unmarried parents.

The aim of the workshops is to provide accurate and up to date information on matters of relevance to parents and their children. Topics covered include:

  • the legal rights and responsibilities of parents who have never married each other – such as guardianship, access, custody, cohabitation, adoption
  • social welfare allowances — One-Parent Family Payment, Job Seeker’s Transitional Payment, Working Family Payment (formerly known as Family Income Supplement) Back to Education Allowance, Guardian’s Payment,  Maternity Benefit, Paternity Benefit, Habitual Residence Condition
  • shared parenting and explaining family relationships to children.





Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this eBulletin is accurate, no responsibility can be accepted by Treoir for any error or omission.
Treoir – map location

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